Pingo aims to provide platform independent graphics objects for python. Based around a hierarchy of containers which inherit their parents' style attributes and coordindate spaces, it provides an object-based representation for vector graphics.
Pingo is in the early protyping stage. If you'd like to help, see our sourceforge project page for developer and CVS information, or contact the project maintainer, clee at There is also a developer discussion taking place on reportlab-users at
Current Design Documents:
- Andy Robinson's preliminary design requirements document.
Demonstrations:Here are some samples showing some of our progress with PyArt, a renderer for Pingo based upon libart that can produce anti-aliased images in a large number of image formats.
- Andy Robinson and Aaron Watters have created an initial prototype for pingo. This prototype is now supported by three renderers, written by Andy, Robin Becker and Christopher Lee, for output to PDF and bitmap images. Some example code and rendered output can be seen here . shows path filling, coordinate rotation
and alpha blending of shapes. demonstrates text rendering, rotation and alpha transparency. demonstrates a typical example of using
text in a graph with rotated text along the y-axis.